اختلاف اصلاح طلبان بر سر مديريت زنان: سخنان فاطمه حقيقت جو در مجلس شوراي اسلامي

مهدي خلجي

Summary of Today's BroadcastRFE/RL Persian ServiceFriday, June 14, 2002 - Gap in the reform camp over women's rights - Who rules Iran? - Reform movement's accomplishments - Meat prices and the impact of freeing imports - FAO's anti-hunber program Women's Rights Advocate Faults Reformists on Women's Rights * At a recent meeting chaired by the Islamic leftist MP Behzad Nabavi, who was newly elected as the new first deputy speaker of the Majles, reformist Fatemeh Haqiqatju faulted many of her fellow reformists on women's rights. She criticized higher education minister Mostafa Moin for discrimination against women scientists in high-level education jobs, pointing out that women hold only 2 percent of top-level positions in higher education, whereas there are 4100 women faculty members in Iran's universities. But other reformist MP's objected to her position. Esfahan MP Ali Mazrui, a press freedom activist, told Haqiqatju that her criticism is not good for either the government or the Majles, and Nabavi disconnected Haqiqatju's microphone and that of another woman MP, Azam Naseripur. Haqiqatju warned that inattention to women's rights would encourage the formation of radical feminist movements in Iran, but reformist journalist Hamid-Reza Jalaipur sees that as unlikely. He recently wrote that radical feminism would turn conservatives, reformists and the majority of Iranian women against the women's movement. (Mehdi Khalaji) New York Review of Books: Who Rules Iran? * In an article for the June 27 issue of the New York Review of books titled "Who Rules Iran?" author Christopher de Bellaigue discusses democratic freedoms and the role of the Supreme Leader. (Nazi Azima) Reform Movement's Accomplishments * Washington-based sociologist and political commentator Rasool Nafisy says the reform movement under Khatami had few short-term accomplishments, but it managed to bring to the foreground the discussion of human rights and personal freedoms. He tells RFE/RL that one outcome of Khatami's election in 1997 was the institutionalization of the executive role of the Supreme Leader as the head of state. One of the reformists' greatest miscalculations was that they thought conservatives would accept the people's vote and assume a minority role. (Homayoun Majd, Washington) The Impact of Free Meat Imports on Domestic Prices * Mohammad Musavi, managing director of Tehran province meat producers, said in the absence of free imports, meat prices will double in the near future. Tehran economist Fariborz Raisdana says imported meat is already free for "unaccountable institutions" that bring in tons of meat through the ports they control. He tells RFE/RL that freeing legal meat imports would not encourage competition and lower prices, since the market will continue to be dominated by a few importers. He says government should import meat and offer it at subsidized prices in poor neighborhoods. (Fereydoun Zarnegar) FAO's Anti-Hunger Program * Mohammad-Taqi Farvar, director of the Tehran-based environmental activist NGO, Sustained Development (Tose-e-ye Paidar), who attended the conference of 700 NGOs on the sidelines of FAO's anti-hunger summit in Rome, tells RFE/RL that participants from all over the world agreed that the FAO's has failed to reduce hunger in the world. He blames world hunger on US and multi-national companies. (Ahmad Ra'fat, Rome) WORLD * US newspapers greet the election of Hamed Karzai to head Afghanistan's transitional government as a step towards democracy. (Homayoun Majd, Washington) * Manuchehr Deqati, an Iranian photographer who was a member of the UN election supervisors in Afghanistan, says the election of the loya jirga's board of directors was unprecedented and a victory. In an interview from Kabul, he tells RFE/RL that some groups in the loya jirga wanted to declare an Islamic government in Afghanistan but they faced strong opposition from others. (Golnaz Esfandiari) * Some political groups in Afghanistan do not hide their dissatisfaction with the outcome of the loya jirga meeting. (Ahmad Takel, Kabul) * Secret negotiations are said to be going on between Israel and the Palestinians. (Jamshid Chalangi, Paris) * Former Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said today in Moscow that crushing the regimes of Iraq and Iran should be given the highest priority in the global war against terrorism. (Mani Kasravi, Moscow) * G7 plus Russia meet in Canada over war against terrorism, the Middle East crisis and the need to control the spread of nuclear weapons. (Jean Khakzad, Paris) * A research institute in Abu Dhabi says the shortage of water in Arab countries may cause a new war in the Middle East. (Farideh Rahbar, Cairo) * Conservatives under President Jacques Chirac stand to gain 53 percent of the vote in the final round of the parliamentary elections in France, according to the latest official poll. (Jean Khakzad, Paris) * Parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic. (Golnaz Esfandiari, Prague) * Indiana University professor Nazif Shahrani says the loya jirga, or the Afghan supreme council, has never been a true representative of Afghan people, but in the current conditions, holding a loya jirga is the only way to bring Afghanistan to democracy. He tells RFE/RL a too powerful local government ruling without attention to the provinces would bring back the same problems for Afghanistan. (Homayoun Majd, Washington) * EU interior ministers and judiciary chiefs agreed in their meeting in Brussels to form a border police force to fight illegal immigration. (Shahram Mirian, Cologne) * Sociologist Esmail Nasher, who studied the Sangat refugee camp in northern France for six months, told reporters today that most of the 1500 refugees held there are economic refugees and are well educated in their countries of origin: Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. (Jean Khakzad, Paris) * UN high commissioner for refugees said today that the total number of refugees has decreased by a million, due to Afghans returning home from Iran and Pakistan. (Golnaz Esfandiari) * Morocco says the five Saudis accused of al Qaeda membership were arrested last month but their arrests was kept secret for security reasons. (Farideh Rahbar, Cairo) * With US ships, 300 French special forces capture a Cambodian ship with 2 tons of cocaine on board. (Jean Khakzad, Paris) * RFE/RL's Middle East magazine: This week's topics include: Rising divorce statistics in Egypt and Syria, gold and precious stones exports to India and Pakistan, and smuggling Egyptian ancient relics. (Farideh Rahbar and Jamshid Chalangi, Cairo) * ARTS AND IDEAS RFE/RL's Daily Coverage of Soccer World Cup * RFE/RL's soccer commentator, Mehrdad Masudi, reports from Seoul on today's World Cup games. Trip to Iran: Travel Writing by Foreign Visitors * In his report on Iran, French 19th Century envoy to Iran writes about the Qajar king Nasseredin's system of government. (Nazi Azima, Prague; Javad Tabatabai, Paris) Conference on 1953 Coup * In a conference held at St. Anthony's College, Oxford, scholars discussed the events leading to the Shah's dismissal of the populist prime minister Mohammad Mosaddeq in 1953. Scholars Homayoun Katouzian and Maziyar Behruz tell RFE/RL that the conference focused on the definitive role played by Britain in the coup. Katouzian says the British convinced the US that Iran's communist party, the Tudeh, stood to gain control and bring Iran into the Eastern bloc. Ruzbeh says the Tudeh did not have the power to topple Mosaddeq or block the coup against him. (Shahran Tabari, London) Iranian Winner of the Weintraub Award * Saba Valadkhan, a researcher at New York's Columbia University and a graduate of Tehran University's Medical School, received along with 16 others from various universities around the world, the 2002 Harold M. Weintraub Graduate Student Award, sponsored by the Basic Sciences Division of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. The originality and significance of her research, which was published in the journal Nature, was in the discovery of the mechanism of the largest cell machinery that is responsible for sorting genetic material from the cell nucleus and its preparation for the generation of proteins. She tells RFE/RL that she is proud of having received this award, but regrets that her brother Sina Valadkhan, a gold medal winner of 1996 physics Olympia, was not given a US visa because of his Iranian citizenship, despite having an admission from MIT. (Fatemeh Aman, Washington) Classic Persian Love Stories: Leyli va Majnun * Sardredin Elahi begins recitation of the story of Leyli and Majnun based on Nezami Ganjavi. From Kabul to Mazar-i-Sharif * Filmmaker and RFE/RL reporter Ali Attar surveys the new Afghanistan for RFE/RL in a journey from Kabul to Mazar-i-Sharif.مهدي خلجي (راديوآزادي): مصطفي معين، وزير علوم، تحقيقات و فناوري، ديروز به مجلس شوراي اسلامي آمده بود تا به سئوالات فاطمه حقيقت جو نماينده تهران درباره حضور زنان در پست هاي مديريتي آموزش عالي پاسخ دهد. فاطمه حقيقت جو در سخنان خود گفت: بيش از 4100 زن عضو هيأت علمي دانشگاه ها هستند، ولي فقط دو مدير کل در حوزه ستادي وزارت علوم به کار مشغولند و تنها رئيس دو دانشگاه از زنان هستند. خانم حقيقت جو معتقد بود که اين خلاف برنامه اي است که پيشتر وزارت علوم اعلام کرده بود. پيش از آن که وزير علوم پاسخ دهد، علي مزروعي نماينده ديگر تهران احطار قانون اساسي داد و گفت نبايد درباره اختيارات وزير از وي سئوال کرد و طرح چنين سئوالي به نفع مجلس و دولت نيست. بهزاد نبوي، نايب اول رئيس مجلس که اداره جلسه را به عهده داشت اين تذکر را وارد دانست. با اين همه وزير علوم در پاسخ گفت: تفاوت مردان و زنان در سطوح مديريتي در همه جاي دنيا هست، چون تنها يک دهم مجالس دنيا را زنان تشکيل مي دهند و در کشورهاي در حال توسعه زنان کمتر از يک هفتم مشاغل مديريتي را در دست دارند. به نظر وزير علوم، تحقيقات و فناوري جمهوري اسلامي، بهبود مديريت زنان در آموزش عالي به ارتقاي وضع آموزش عالي آنها وابسته است. فاطمه حقيقت جو از پاسخ وزير علوم قانع نشد. هنگامي که اعظم ناصري پور نماينده اسلام آباد غرب در انتقاد از وزارت علوم سخن مي گفت، ميکروفون او وصل نشد. هم چنين وقتي خانم حقيقت جو خواست اعتراض خود را دنبال کند، ميکروفون او هم وصل نشد. در اين هنگام بهزاد نبوي به طعنه گفت: مثل اين که فيوز آن رديف، يعني رديف خانم ها، سوخته است. پس از اين کنايه ها فاطمه حقيقت جو گفت: قانوني نانوشته مانع از استفاده توانمندي زنان در پست هاي مديريتي است و متإسفانه نمايندگان مجلس نسبت به حضور زنان نگرشي منفي دارند. خانم حقيقت جو خطاب به بهزاد نبوي گفت: من امروز از رأيي که به شما دادم پشمانم. برنامه اصلاحات پاسخ به مطالبات زنان بود، اما برخي از سران اصلاح طلبان فقط به دنبال آراي خانم ها بوده اند و در عمل به استيفاي حقوق آنها باور ندارند. خانم حقيقت جو گفت: اگر به مطالبات زنان پاسخ داده نشود، جنبش هاي خاص زنانه در کشور ايجاد خواهد شد. بحث حضور زنان در ساختار مديريتي پس از رياست جمهوري محمد خاتمي در ايران به شکل گسترده تري مطرح شده است. اما محمد خاتمي بر خلاف توقع فعالان سياسي زن، از انتخاب وزيري از ميان زنان براي کابينه اش سرباز زد. اختلاف نظر سياسي در مورد مسائل زنان، فراتر از جناح بندي هاي سياسي در ايران است. شماري از اصلاح طلبان در ايران از گفتمان مردسالاري دفاع مي کنند و با هر گونه تفسير زن ورانه اي از جنبش اجتماعي موجود در ايران مخالف اند. در کنار اين ها حميدرضا جلايي پور از نظريه پردازان اصلاحات در ايران گفته است در ايران جنبش مستقل زنان نداريم، چون اين جنبش هنوز نتوانسته است مفاهيم کليدي خود را تعريف کند. از نظر جلايي پور جنبش زنان تنها در صورتي مي تواند در ايران موفق باشد که در چارچوب گفتمان اصلاحي و ادبيات اصلاحات قرار گيرد، زيرا تقويت جنبش هاي راديکال فمنيستي، مهم ترين ضربه را به زنان مي زند و مخالفان و محافظه کاران و حتا خود زنان جلوي آن را خواهند گرفت. با اين همه ناظران سياسي مي گويند مجلس ششم نخستين مجلس در جمهوري اسلامي است که گفتماني فمنيستي در آن حضور آشکار دارد و در تقابل با نگاه مرسوم بيشتر دولت مردان جمهوري اسلامي به زن مي ايستد، حتا اگر مدافعان حقوق زن در مجلس، به حداقل حقوق و معتدل ترين تفسيرها از حقوق زن باور داشته باشند.

فاطمه حقيقت جو، نماينده اصلاح طلب مجلس شوراي اسلامي، توضيحات وزير علوم در دفاع از تبعيض عليه زنان در مقامات بالاي آموزش عالي كشور قانع كننده ندانست و اصلاح طلبان هيات حاكمه جمهوري اسلامي را به بي اعتنائي نسبت به حقوق زنان متهم ساخت. وي تهديد كرد كه در صورت ادامه بي توجهي به حقوق زنان در ايران، جنبش هاي خاص زنانه در كشور نضج خواهند گرفت.