История на камне: Кем была приручена лошадь?

Это - Я, человек, родившийся 5500 лет тому назад в Великой Степи. - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #1 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin

В то время лошади были дикими и неприрученными. - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #2 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin

Я поймал лошадь и перевязал ее передние и задние ноги. - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #3 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin

После этого я отправил стреноженную лошадь на пастище. - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #4 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin

Приручив лошадь, я оседлал ее. - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #5 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin

Затем запряг ее в колесницу. - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #6 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin

И поскакал на ней в даль... (Рисунки взяты из книги Мухтара Магауина "Петроглифы Шынгыстау", фото - автора) - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #7 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin