Bush Expected To Press Putin on Democracy At Slovak Summit

U.S. President George W. Bush is expected to urge President Vladimir Putin to renew Russia's commitment to democracy and the rule of law when the two leaders meet for a summit this afternoon in the Slovak capital Bratislava. The talks will be the first since Bush pledged in his inaugural address in January to spread freedom around the world, and follow recent comments by American officials about what are seen as Kremlin moves toward authoritarianism, such as abolishing elections for provincial governors and reining in media outlets. Putin earlier this week defended his policies, telling Slovak media that Russia must adapt democracy to its own conditions. Bush and Putin are expected to discuss a wide array of other issues during their meeting, including cooperation between Russia and the United States in non-proliferation and anti-terrorism efforts. They are also expected to discuss Russia's building of a nuclear reactor in Iran and the situation in Iraq. Other topics likely to be raised include the situations in ex-Soviet countries including Ukraine, Georgia and the Baltic states. Before meeting Putin, Bush is expected to meet with Slovak leaders as he makes the first ever official visit to Slovakia by an American president. Putin is due to meet with Slovak leaders during an official visit after the summit.