REGIME CHANGE: Iranians Cannot Be Made to Unlearn Nuclear Science, Shah’s Ambassador to the US Says

“Iran cannot be forced to unlearn knowledge," former ambassador to Washington Ardeshir Zahedi says in an op-ed article for the Wall Street Journal, in which he suggests a regime change would be the only logical resolution to Iran's nuclear crisis. “Iran cannot be forced to unlearn knowledge accumulated since the 1950s," the Shah’s long-time ambassador to Washington Ardeshir Zahedi said in an op-ed piece for the Wall Street Journal “Iran was one of the first developing countries to acquaint itself with the awesome universe of nuclear science. Iran's first nuclear reactor was installed in Tehran in 1955 and the first batch of Iranians sent to Europe and the U.S. to study nuclear physics and related subjects were back home by the early 1960s. By the mid-1970s, Iran had a well-educated and motivated corps of nuclear scientists who, backed by substantial financial resources from the government, undertook research into all aspects of the new technology, including its military applications,” Zahedi continues. "Anyone with any knowledge of Iranian politics would know that the present regime in Tehran is strategically committed to developing a nuclear "surge capacity" if not a full arsenal of nuclear weapons… A peaceful Iran with no ambitions to export an ideology or seek regional hegemony would be no more threatening than Britain, which also has a nuclear arsenal. The real debate on Iran, therefore, can only be about regime change,” Zahedi concludes.