توافق آمريکا و کشورهاي اروپايي بر سر قطعنامه آژانس بين المللي انرژي اتمي در مورد جمهوري اسلامي

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Summary of Iran Stories in Today&apos;s BroadcastsBehnam NateghiTuesday, March 09, 2004 <b>IAEA to Censor Iran Over Nuclear Secrecy, US and European Nations Agree</b> • Representatives of the US and major European nations agreed to praise the Islamic government for partial disclosures, but censor it for continued secrecy in some areas of its nuclear program, ending an uneasy dispute over the language of the International Atomic Energy Agency&apos;s resolution. The US sought a condemnation of Iran for not fully revealing its past and present activities, despite last October&apos;s pledge of transparency, but France, Germany and Britain wanted to focus on Iran&apos;s cooperation with the IAEA, diplomats in Vienna told news agencies. The draft resolution still must be accepted by all 35 nations of the IAEA board of governors. (Maryam Ahmadi) • The most important question is for us to know why and how traces of highly enriched uranium appeared on Iran&apos;s centrifuge equipment, IAEA spokeswoman <b>Melissa Fleming</b> tells <b>Radio Farda</b>. (Fariba Mavedat) • It would be a set back for the Islamic government if IAEA decides to refer decision on Iran&apos;s nuclear program to the UN Security Council, two reformist MPs Mohammad Kianoush-Rad and Hasan Qashqavi, members of the Majles national security and foreign relations committee, said in interviews with German-TV. (Shahram Mirian, Cologne) • The US and European representatives in the IAEA&apos;s board of governors are discussing Iran&apos;s nuclear program, trying to reach an agreement, London&apos;s defense weekly <b>Jane&apos;s</b> nuclear nonproliferation expert <b>Alex Vatankhah</b> tells <b>Radio Farda</b>. However, we should look at the situation as a part of the overall Iran-EU relations, he adds. Last month&apos;s Majles elections were a slap at the Europeans, who had hoped to boast to the US about dialogue with the Islamic government. Now, the Europeans may be more inclined to agree with the US to pressures Iran, he says, adding that he does not believe concerns about trade with Iran would sway major European governments to side with Iran in the IAEA talks. For Iran&apos;s economy, trade with Europe is of much more importance than trade with Iran is for Europe&apos;s economy, he says. The US elections would have no impact on the US policy towards Iran: John Kerry would be as tough as President Bush against Iran&apos;s attempts to acquire nuclear weapons. (Shahran Tabari, London) • “It is a mistake to say that Iran has violated its commitments and Tehran will definitely not accept it,” foreign minister Kamal Kharrazi said on Tuesday. “Comparing Iran and Libya is incorrect,” he added, “Libya has officially announced that it was pursuing nuclear weapons and this is a violation of the NPT, but Iran has not been pursuing nuclear weapons and (has) not violated the NPT.” (Maryam Ahmadi) <b>200,000 Teachers Strike For Pay Increase</b> • More than 200,000, or 30 percent of all Iranian teachers, went on strike since Saturday to protest against low wages, according to Ali-Asghar Zati, spokesman of one of the 17 teachers&apos; trade association and group that has called the strike. In many towns, he said, officials tried to convince the teachers to return to classes, but the teachers resisted, he added. Official sources did not disclose the number of strikers, but a newspaper reported that the strike has affected at least 400 schools in Tehran. • As the strike entered its fourth day, a high school teacher in Karaj tells <b>Radio Farda</b> that the teachers have not received any official reaction to their demands. He and his colleagues, like teachers in many other schools, have been sitting in the principal&apos;s office since this morning, he adds. The strike was called by 17 teachers&apos; trade groups and associations to demand wages equal to other civil servants for the teachers. (Nima Tamadon) <b>Judiciary Begins Summoning Top Reformists Over Critique of the Elections</b> • After summoning cabinet spokesman Abdollah Ramezanzadeh to answer charges based on his critique of the Guardians Council&apos;s elimination of 2,400 reformists from the February 20 Majles elections, the judiciary began legal proceedings against other top reformists, including Tehran MP Mohsen Mirdamadi, head of the Majles national security and foreign relations committee, and Isfahan MP and press freedom advocate Rajab-Ali Mazroui. However, deputy Majles speaker Behzad Nabavi said the summons have not been passed on to the MPs by the Majles board of directors, because the charges deal with statements the MPs made in their official capacity as people&apos;s representatives. Tehran reformist MP Mohsen Armin had said after the elections that a new wave of prosecution against the reformists could be expected, however, the judiciary spokesman said the summons were a part of the judiciary&apos;s routine procedures, but were held back during the elections. (Jamshid Zand) <b>Guardians Council Cancels Election Results in Two Cities</b> • The Guardians Council canceled the results of the February 20 elections in two cities where it said the number of reported votes were greater than the number of eligible voters. In Iranshahr, conservative MP Nour-Mohammad Raboushe received more than 100 percent of the vote, which led to protest riots. In Sarbaz, another town in the Sistan-va-Baluchestan province, the voters were reportedly 100 percent more than the population, local journalist <b>Mohammad-Barahouinizhad</b> editor of Zahedan bilingual weekly <i>Marz-e Por Gohar</i> tells <b>Radio Farda</b>. Even the provincial governor said he believed there were irregularities in the vote count, he adds. The two top vote getters in the flawed Iranshahr election, Rabousheh and his reformist rival Azad-Raisi, will not be allowed to stand in the runoff elections, Barahouinezhad says. The rest of the candidates are independents, he adds. (Amir-Mosaddegh Katouzian) <b>Women&apos;s Day on RadioFarda</b> • Not all Iranian women have the same problems, Depending on their social, religious and geographical position, women face different problems, activist and womeniniran.com writer <b>Shadi Sadr</b> tells <b>Radio Farda</b>. However, the women&apos;s movement is focused on legal inequality, which applies to all women, she adds. As in other countries, the number of women active in the women&apos;s movement is much smaller than the total number of women, but the activists feel that when their demands are met, it would benefit the entire women population. The government&apos;s enforcement of Islamic dress code on women is not the number one issue for the women&apos;s movement. The majority of those who responded to polls said for them gender discrimination at home and at work and in the social and political arenas was a more important issue than the dress code enforcement, even though the dress code issue touches everybody at all levels and cannot be ignored. (Tara Atefi) • The first online seminar on women&apos;s rights held by the womeniniran.com website was a breakthrough, and showed that in today&apos;s world, governments cannot put up walls around the women&apos;s movement, UCLA professor <b>Nayereh Touhidi</b>, who gave the keynote speech, tells <b>Radio Farda</b>. (Firouzeh Khatibi, Los Angeles) • The women&apos;s cultural center set up eight events to increase awareness about violence against women, activist <b>Noushin Ahmadi-Khorasani</b> tells <b>Radio Farda</b>. (Nazi Azima) <b>Privatized Enterprises&apos; Return to Public Sector</b> • Through the privatization process, as devised by the Islamic government, state enterprises are being sold in the stock market, only to be returned to the public sector. The process should be called “reversible privatization,” <b>Radio Farda</b>&apos;s Paris-based economic commentator <b>Fereydoun Khavand</b> says. According to deputy economy minister Ahmad Mirmotahari, the mangers of any state enterprise that the privatization organization sells in the stock market, issue new stock through a process of recapitalization and regain control of the enterprise. In addition, majority ownership in several major state enterprises has been sold to public institutions, such as the workers insurance organization or state banks. Mirmotahari said to end this practice, a clause has been added to the budget bill for the upcoming fiscal year which would turn privatization into a one-way street. (Fereydoun Khavand) <b>Tehran Court Hears Iranians&apos; Claims against the US</b> • More than $1.2 billion in damages have been awarded to Iranians who sued the US in a special Tehran court, judiciary spokesman Gholamhossein Elham said. The court has been set up by the Islamic government in reaction to judgments against Iran won in US courts by American victims of terrorist acts in the Middle East. (Nima Tamadon) <b>Iran-Germany Cultural Center Campaigns for Release of Jailed Student</b> • Iran-Germany cultural center in the Rheinland-Pfalz province began a campaign by contacting international human rights organizations in order to press for the release of jailed student Peyman Piran, who spoke at the center&apos;s meetings and gave an interview to <i>Rhein-Zeitung</i> last summer in a one-month visit to Germany sponsored by the center. Piran is a nationalist student, unrelated to political factions and parties, head of Iran-Germany cultural center <b>Mehdi Garzini</b> tells <b>Radio Farda</b>. (Shahram Mirian, Cologne) <b>8,000 Prostitution Centers Work in Tehran, Reports Italian News Agency</b> • In a report from Tehran, the independent Italian news agency Kronos International said there are 600,000 prostitutes working in 8,000 prostitution centers in Tehran, and 13 year old girls can be seen selling sex on Tehran sidewalks. (Ahmad Ra&apos;fat, Rome) <b>Municipal and Provincial Councils: A Historical Review</b> • Interior minister Abdolvahed Mousavi-Lari called for broadening the role of municipal and provincial councils. <b>Mehdi Ahmad</b>, who has been a member of the Rasht provincial council in pre-revolutionary Iran, tells <b>Radio Farda</b> that the councils were empowered by the constitution to decide about all matters in their jurisdiction, including the provincial government&apos;s budget. (Behruz Nikzat) <b>Qum Officials Deny Reports on Foiled Al-Qaeda Attack</b> • Qum officials said a conservative website&apos;s claim that security forces foiled a planned mortar attack by Al-Qaeda terrorists on the Shiite mourners in Qum had no basis. (Fatemeh Aman) . فاطمه امان (راديو فردا): ايالات متحده آمريکا و کشورهاي اروپايي در مورد قطعنامه سازمان هاي بين المللي انرژي اتمي درباره برنامه هاي هسته اي ايران به توافق رسيده اند. همکارم مريم احمدي گزارش مي دهد: مريم احمدي (راديو فردا): ايالات متحده و کشورهاي بزرگ اروپايي روز سه شنبه توافق کردند در قطعنامه اي که قرار است در رابطه با برنامه هسته اي ايران از سوي هيات مديره اين سازمان به تصويب برسد، از ايران به خاطر دادن اجازه بازرسي از برنامه هاي هسته اي اين کشور تمجيد شود و در عين حال تهران به خاطر مخفي کاري در برخي زمينه ها مورد انتقاد قرار بگيرد. هيات نمايندگي آمريکا و اروپائيان در هيات مديره سازمان بين المللي انرژي اتمي، پس از چندين روز مذاکره سرانجام پيش نويس قطعنامه اي را که بايد براي کنفرانس بين المللي انرژي اتمي تهيه شود، پذيرفته اند. ايالات متحده تاکيد دارد که ايران مي خواهد سلاح هسته اي بسازد، از اين رو خواستار آن است که در اين کنفرانس ايران به خاطر عدم پايبندي کامل به تعهدات خود داير بر اعلام همه فعاليت هاي هسته اي قبلي و آتي محکوم شود و بدين ترتيب امکان ارجاع مساله ايران به شوراي امنيت سازمان ملل متحد در آينده همچنان به عنوان يک گزينه باقي بماند. اما فرانسه، آلمان، و بريتانيا مي خواهند بر همکاري ايران با سازمان انرژي اتمي تاکيد شود. همکاري هاي ايران با سازمان بين المللي انرژي اتمي هنگامي آغاز شد که اطلاعاتي درباره برنامه هاي ايران براي غني سازي اورانيوم و ديگر برنامه هاي هسته اي طي دو دهه، به دست آمد. البته پيش نويس قطعنامه هنوز به امضاي 35 کشور عضو هيات مديره سازمان بين المللي انرژي اتمي نرسيده است، اما بزرگترين مانع که اختلاف امريکا و اروپا بود، رفع شده است. در متن پيش نويس قطعنامه که نسخه اي از آن در اختيار خبرگزاري Associated Press قرار گفته است، آمده است: بزرگترين نگراني اين است که اطلاعات داده شده از سوي ايران در زمينه فعاليت هاي قبلي، تصويري کامل، درست، و نهايي از برنامه هاي هسته اي پيشين و آتي ايران نمي دهد. همچنين از ايران به خاطر ناتواني به پاسخگويي به برخي سوال ها درباره ارونيوم غني شده اي که مي تواند براي توليد سلاح هسته اي به کار رود، انتقاد شده است. در عين حال در قطعنامه از اين که ايران موافقت کرده است بازرسان سازمان بين المللي انرژي اتمي از برنامه هاي هست هاي ايران به طور کامل بازرسي کنند، قدرداني شده و قطعنامه خواستار گسترش اين همکاري شده است. اختلاف اروپا و آمريکا بر سر برنامه هاي هسته اي ايران، منجر به تنش هاي غير معمول بين واشنگتن و متحدان بزرگ اروپايي شد. جان بولتون، معاون وزارت امور خارجه آمريکا، در نامه اي به دولت هاي فرانسه، بريتانيا، و آلمان نوشت: موضع ان ها در قبال مساله ايران به تلاش هاي همگاني براي واداشتن ايران به تبعيت از تعهدات و وعده هاي خود لطمه مي زند. آمريکا و کشورهاي اروپايي در مورد قطعنامه سازمان هاي بين المللي انرژي اتمي درباره برنامه هاي هسته اي جمهوري اسلامي به توافق رسيدند. بر طبق اين توافق، از تهران به خاطر دادن اجازه بازرسي از برنامه هاي هسته اي اين کشور تمجيد مي شود، اما در عين حال حکومت ايران به خاطر مخفي کاري در برخي زمينه ها مورد انتقاد قرار مي گيرد. در متن پيش نويس قطعنامه آمده است که بزرگترين نگراني اين است که اطلاعات داده شده از سوي جمهوري اسلامي در زمينه فعاليت هاي قبلي، تصويري کامل، درست، و نهايي از برنامه هاي هسته اي پيشين و آتي حکومت ايران نمي دهد. همچنين از جمهوري اسلامي به خاطر ناتواني به پاسخگويي به برخي سوال ها درباره ارونيوم غني شده اي که مي تواند براي توليد سلاح هسته اي به کار رود، انتقاد شده است.