يك پژوهشگر آمريكائي: آمريكا ديگر روي عناصر اصلاح طلب ايران حساب نمي كند

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Summary of Iran Stories of Today&apos;s BroadcastsBehnam NateghiSaturday, January 18, 2003 <b>Congressman Lantos Renews Talks Offer to the Majles</b> * Congressman Tom Lantos (D-California) tells <b>Radio Farda</b> that in response to Majles deputy speaker Mohammad-Reza Khatami&apos;s offer to begin talks with the American people and legislators, he renews his own offer to send a US congressional delegation to Iran. Lantos says the regime in Iran backs the Hezbollah, which he characterizes as "one of the worst terrorist organizations on the face of the earth," and adds that the US opposes any government that backs terrorists. He says the US is concerned about Iran-Russia nuclear cooperation. He invites Iranian youth to have patience, because the world supports their demands and wants to help them bring to power a regime that would reflect their aspirations. (Mahtab Farid) <b>Michael Ledeen: US No Longer Supports the Reformist Faction</b> * American Enterprise Institute fellow Michael Ledeen, author of <i>The War Against Terror Masters</i> tells <b>Radio Farda</b> that the US President placed Iran at the center of the Axis of Evil and said the US no longer counts on the reformist elements in the Iranian regime, because it does not believe that they can bring about real change in Iran. Ledeen says the US supports the people of Iran and would like to see a regime change, noting "the US will never be said to have done enough until the regime finally comes down." Ledeen says in order to have a pretext for repression of Iranian people, to close down newspapers and suppress dissent, the Iranian officials, and especially some Iranian military commanders, are saying that the US is planning to attack Iran. He says: "The US has no intension of invading Iran, none whatsoever." He finds it puzzling that Iran news is underreported in all major western media, because developments in Iran are among the most important in the world. He says <b>Radio Farda</b>&apos;s focus on Iranian news will have an effect on the coverage of Iran stories in western media, because when <b>Radio Farda</b> news appears on the Internet, journalists around the world, who cannot go to Iran or do not have their own sources inside Iran, can use it. Ledeen&apos;s message to the Iranian youth is "Don&apos;t stop!" <b>Glorification of Terrorism on the Anniversary of Navab Safavi&apos;s Execution</b> * On the anniversary of the execution of a fundamentalist assassin, the regime&apos;s officials and conservative clerics across Iran used the Friday Prayers&apos; pulpits to glorify and praise the goals and methods of the Fedaiyan-e Eslam (Devotees of Islam), a semi-secret organization that claimed responsibility for the murder of two prime ministers and secular historian Ahmad Kasravi. Navab Safavi, a member of the Fedaiyan-e Eslam, was executed for the assassination of the Shah&apos;s first modernist prime minister Hasan-Ali Mansur. Mashallah Ajoudani, director of the Iranian Studies Library in London, tells <b>Radio Farda</b> that the Fedaiyan-e Eslam rose from religious reactionary ideas and was a religious group that used terror to promote their social goals. He adds that some of the members of the Fedaiyan-e Eslam, who were jailed for their role in assassinations, are now high ranking officials and politicians of the Islamic Republic, including Habibollah Asgharoladi, secretary general of the hard-line conservative Hey&apos;at Mo&apos;talefeh-ye Eslami. He adds that the praise the regime&apos;s officials bestow upon the Fedaiyan-e Eslam is because the regime is terrorist at its core and has been implicated in many terrorist acts inside and outside Iran. It is regrettable, he says, that they use the resources that belong to the Iranian people in order to glorify murderers as revolutionaries and freedom-fighters. (Maryam Ahmadi) <b>Dissident Isfahan Cleric Calls for an End to Montazeri&apos;s House Arrest</b> * Former Isfahan prayer leader Ayatollah Jalaledin Taheri, who resigned from his position in protest against corruption and human rights violations, wrote to top conservative religious leaders and asked them to intervene in order to bring an end to the five-year house arrest of Ayatollah Hosseinali Montazeri, once the designated successor to Ayatollah Khomeini. Montazeri became the highest ranking clerical critic of the Supreme Leader in 1998 when he criticized the Supreme Leader&apos;s lavish trips to provinces and the power the Supreme Leader exercised over the president and elected Majles deputies. Taheri asked in his letter whether five years under house arrest is the punishment for expression of opinion. (Ali Sajjadi) <b>1.1 Million Women Heads of Household Vulnerable</b> * The Welfare Organization&apos;s head of social pathologies said 1.1 million women who are heads of households lack adequate social services and more than 50 percent of them suffer from depression. (Kian Manavi) <b>Elderly to March for Fresh Air</b> * In a protest organized for tomorrow, thousands of elderly residents of Tehran will march for fresh air. Pollution levels in Tehran&apos;s air reached dangerous highs today, and the elderly and children were warned to stay indoors. Meanwhile, 70 cyclists arrived in Tehran at the end of a tour around the country during which they encouraged motorists to refit their vehicles to burn natural gas instead of gasoline. Also, government ads in Tehran newspapers invited motorists to bring in their cars for free tune ups and a set of new sparkplugs. (Nazi Azima) <b>Syrian FM to Visit Tehran</b> * The Syrian foreign minister is to arrive in Tehran later today to discuss Syria&apos;s invitation to foreign ministers of six regional countries to gather in Damascus for a discussion on Iraq. (Baktash Khamsehpour) <b>Ecstasy Finds a Market in Iran</b> * Tehran-based journalist tells <b>Radio Farda</b> that Ecstasy pills, called Shadi (Joy) in Persian, attract young users. He warns about the side effects of using chemical stimulants. (Jamshid Zand) <b>Private Investor Buys Money Losing Fund</b> * A private investor, and not Al-Zahra, the foundation linked to three top conservative clerics, purchased 72 percent of the money-losing Mellat investment fund for 400 billion rials ($50 million) last Wednesday at the Tehran stock exchange, according to Tehran-based journalist Alireza Ahmadi. The reformist daily Bahar had reported Al-Zahra as the buyer before the judiciary closed it down. Ahmadi tells <b>Radio Farda</b> that the Al-Zahra foundation, which owns such major enterprises as the Sassan soda bottling company, was not the buyer of the Melat shares. Those shares went to a private investor, who also owns Dina Rubber and Tyre, Mehran manufacturing, Minu food packager and Mashhad cartons. Al-Zahra is owned by former president Ali-Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, Guardians Council Secretary Ayatollah Ahmad Janati, and Guardians Council member and former judiciary chief Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi. He adds that other religious-economic cartels have purchased entire companies in the stock market, including Foad of Ray, which bought Pars oil company and Nab vegetable oil company in the past two years. (Jamshid Zand) <b>Judiciary&apos;s International Affairs Deputy Asks Reformists to Reform</b> * The judiciary&apos;s deputy in charge of international affairs, Javad Larijani, said the pro-reform party Jebeheh-ye Mosharekat (the Participation Front) would improve if its leaders reconsidered their concept of religion, governing and development. The party, which controls the biggest bloc of MPs in the Majles, is headed by President Mohammad Khatami&apos;s brother Mohammad-Reza. Last week, the conservative Kayhan daily called for Mosharekat&apos;s closure, because some of its high-level board members, managers of two padlocked polling agencies, were put on trial on spying charges after the publication of a poll that showed 74 percent of respondents favor the resumption of US-Iran relations. The conservative daily Rasalat reported that the official launch of the Hezb-e Zanan-e Iran (the Women&apos;s Party of Iran), which is considered an offshoot of the Mosharekat, was delayed because of Mosharekat&apos;s recent troubles. (Mehdi Khalaji) <b>President Khatami to Visit India</b> * A team from the foreign and economy ministries arrived in New Delhi in advance of the upcoming visit to India by President Khatami. Geneva-based international relations expert Mohammad-Reza Jalili tells <b>Radio Farda</b> that Iran, India, Russia and China plan to form an Asian bloc to balance the US position as the world&apos;s only superpower. He adds that the India-Pakistan conflict has slowed the development of the Iran-India gas pipeline project. (Baktash Khamsehpour) . مايكل لدين Michael Ledeen، پژوهشگر American Enterprise Institute و صاحبنظر در امور ايران، در مصاحبه با راديوفردا مي گويد: سياست آمريكا حمايت از مردم ايران و محكوم كردن رژيم ايران است. پرزيدنت بوش رژيم ايران را در مركز محور شرارت كه ما عليه آن اعلان جنگ داده ايم، قرار داده است و مي توان گفت رئيس جمهوري آمريكا اعلام كرده است بين آمريكا و رژيم ايران حالت جنگ وجود دارد. وي مي افزايد: آمريكا ديگر روي عناصر اصلاح طلب ايران حساب نمي كند زيرا فكر نمي كند آنها بتوانند اصلاحاتي واقعي در ايران به وجود بياورند. مايكل لدين، نويسنده كتاب «جنگ عليه اربابان ترور The War Against the Terror Masters» مي افزايد: ايالات متحده از مردم ايران پشتيباني مي كند و اميدوار است شاهد تغييري واقعي در دولت ايران باشد. لدين مي افزايد: تا زماني كه رژيم كاملا سقوط نكرده، نمي توان گفت آمريكا به اندازه كافي كمك كرده است. مطمئنم با گذشت زمان بيشتر و بيشتر كمك خواهيم كرد. در حال حاضر بيشتر مشغوليت ذهني ما با عراق است اما مسلمان نام ايران نيز به اصطلاح در فهرست قرار دارد. مايكل لدين مي افزايد: هشدار مقامات جمهوري اسلامي از جمله فرماندهان نظامي در باره اينكه آمريكا بعد از عراق ايران را هدف قرار گرفت، حرفهائي است كه آنها مي زنند براي اينكه بهانه براي سركوب بيشتر مردم داشته باشند. آنها مي گويند آمريكائي ها مي خواهند به ما حمله كنند و به همين جهت جائي براي ابراز نظر مخالف و آزادي در جامعه ايران وجود ندارد. لدين تاكيد مي كند كه آمريكا قصد حمله نظامي به ايران را ندارد و هركس چنين حرفي را بزند، گمراه شده است. لدين مي گويد: تحولات ايران در هيچيك از رسانه هاي غربي به اندازه كافي پوشش خبري داده نمي شود حتي روزنامه هاي عمده ما مانند واشنگتن پست، نيويورك تايمز و وال استريت جورنال آنچه در ايران مي گذرد را با ذكر جزئيات كافي پوشش نمي دهند. وي مي گويد در كشورهاي اروپائي هم توجه چنداني به مسائل ايران نمي شود. وي مي گويد: اگر من يك روزنامه نگار بودم، به ايران پوشش خبري بيشتري مي دادم زيرا فكر مي كنم آنچه در ايران مي گذرد، يكي از مهم ترين تحولات جهان است. لدين مي گويد برنامه هاي راديوفردا كه 85 درصد آن به اخبار ايران اختصاص دارد، مي تواند بر پوشش خبري ايران در رسانه هاي ديگر تاثيرگذار باشد زيرا وقتي خبر ها در اينترنت قرار مي گيرد، به تمام دنيا منعكس خواهد شد و روزنامه نگاراني كه نمي توانند به ايران بروند يا در ايران منبع ندارند، مي توانند از آنچه راديو فردا گزارش مي دهد، استفاده كنند. وي مي گويد پيام من به جوانان ايران اين است كه باز نايستيد. مايكل لدين Michael Ledeen، پژوهشگر American Enterprise Institute و صاحبنظر در امور ايران، در مصاحبه با راديوفردا مي گويد: سياست آمريكا حمايت از مردم ايران و محكوم كردن رژيم ايران است. پرزيدنت بوش رژيم ايران را در مركز محور شرارت كه ما عليه آن اعلان جنگ داده ايم، قرار داده است و مي توان گفت رئيس جمهوري آمريكا اعلام كرده است بين آمريكا و رژيم ايران حالت جنگ وجود دارد. وي مي افزايد: آمريكا ديگر روي عناصر اصلاح طلب ايران حساب نمي كند زيرا فكر نمي كند آنها بتوانند اصلاحاتي واقعي در ايران به وجود بياورند. لدين مي گويد برنامه هاي راديوفردا كه 85 درصد آن به اخبار ايران اختصاص دارد، مي تواند بر پوشش خبري ايران در رسانه هاي ديگر تاثيرگذار باشد. وي مي گويد پيام من به جوانان ايران اين است كه باز نايستيد.