لینک‌های قابلیت دسترسی

خبر فوری
جمعه ۱۹ بهمن ۱۴۰۳ تهران ۲۲:۲۴

پيام نوروزي رييس جمهوري و وزيرامورخارجه آمريكا براي ايرانيان

همايون مجد (واشنگتن)

Summary of Today's BroadcastRFE/RL Persian ServiceThursday, March 21, 2002 - New Year Greetings from President Bush and Secretary Powell - Appeal court doubles jail term for a student activist - Iranian New Year in New York, Los Angeles and Tornonto - New Year celebrations in Iraqi Kurdistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan US President and Secretary of State Send New Year * In his New Year message to US-Iranians, President Bush said the US is united against terrorism and the one-million strong US Iranian community has participated in that effort by condemning the attacks, helping in the rescue effort and providing support for the victims' families. * In his message to Iranians, Secretary of State Colin Powell hoped that the new year would bring Iranians and Americans closer together. * Also in the US, Michigan designated March 20 as Iran Day. (Homayoun Majd) Appeal Court Doubles Student's Jail Term to 13 Years * The appeal court doubled to 13 years the jail term handed out last year by a Tehran Revolutionary court to student activist Manuchehr Mohammadi. He and his brother Akbar were arrested in the aftermath of the student demonstrations of July 1998. In an interview with RFE/RL, their father Mohammad Mohammadi says the increased sentence came in spite of the Judiciary's repeated promises of leniency towards jailed students. (Golnaz Esfandiari) New Year in New York * Having been raised in the US, most of the young Iranians gathered at a large New Year party at New York University did not speak Persian. They tell RFE/RL's New York correspondent that they became more conscious of their second identity when they went to college and met other US-born Iranians. (Behnam Nateghi, New York) Iranian New Year in Canada * Iranians in Canada wish happy New Year for their compatriots in Iran and tell RFE/RL's Toronto correspondent that they wished they could celebrate the New Year in Iran. (Taha Hasaniani, Toronto) New Year Celebrations in Los Angeles * More than 800 second generation Iranians celebrate the New Year in a rich program of music, poetry and dance at UCLA. (Fahimeh Barati, Los Angeles) A Trip to Zanzibar * In this five-part documentary, RFE/RL's Ali Attar goes to Zanzibar to investigate the roots and customs of the descendants of Iranian immigrants there who call themselves Shirazi and celebrate the Iranian New Year. RFE/RL's editor Iraj Gorgin introduces the program with information about the history of Zanzibar and Tanzania. (Ali Attar) THE WORLD * Karzai celebrated New Year in Mazar-i-Sharif, in a ceremony which was to be presided over by the exiled monarch, Mohammad Zahir, whose return to Afghanistan was delayed by five days. (Sohrab Behnezhad, Mazar Sharif, Afghanistan) * Islamic punishments being handed out in northern Nigerian Muslim provinces, including the death sentence for a rape victim, are unconstitutional, Nigeria's Justice Minister wrote in a letter to local governors. (Shahran Tabari, London) * The man who opposed Zimbabwe's President, Robert Mugabe in last week's Presidential Elections, was sent to jail yesterday, accused of treason. The opposition called for a national strike. (Siavash Ardalan) * Italy's Red Brigade terrorist organization declared a new class war, a day after gunning down Marco Biagi, an economic advisor to that country's ministry of labor. (Ahmad Ra'fat, Rome) * New Year in Iraqi Kurdistan is being celebrated freely, as it has been for the past 10 years since an autonomous Kurdish administration replaced Saddam's government, reports RFE/RL's Sami Shuresh. * The official in charge of New Year celebrations in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, describes the various ceremonies planned for the day in an interview with RFE/RL. (Ayubzad) * Soheila Hazrat Nadimi, a reporter in RFE/RL's Afghan service, talks about New Year traditions in Afghanistan. (Shireen Famili) ARTS AND IDEAS * Weekly soccer program. (Mehrdad Massudi)

جرج بوش، رييس جمهوري و كالين پاول، وزير امورخارجه آمريكا در پيام هاي جداگانه اي نوروز را به ايرانيان تبريك گفتند. رييس جمهوري آمريكا خطاب به آمريكاييان ايراني تبار كه شمار آنها را يك ميليون نفر تخمين زد، نوشت: جامعه ايرانيان مقيم آمريكا با محكوم ساختن اقدامات تروريستي، با مشاركت در اقدامات امدادي و نجات در محل وقوع حملات تروريستي در نيويورك و پيشنهاد كمك به قربانيان كه افرادي ايراني هم در ميان آنها بودند، كاملا در تلاش هايي كه در جهان براي مبارزه با تروريسم در جريان دارد شركت كردند. وزير امورخارجه آمريكا در پيام نوروزي خود نوشت اميدوار است سال 1381 ايراني ها و آمريكايي ها را به هم نزديك تر كند.