The Supreme Leader vowed to press for further development of Iran's nuclear program and said the Iranian people will never accept being forced to relinquish the country's "advances" in nuclear technology. Mastering the atomic fuel cycle is essential for Iran, the Supreme Leader said on Monday. “It is essential because if the Iranian people cannot” produce their own nuclear fuel, “they will be dependent on outside sources and if these countries decide not to supply us, our nuclear plants will be useless,” he said in a speech carried by the state TV monopoly.
“Iran is not trying to make an atomic bomb, because it does not need this to unravel its enemies,” he added, referring to the US and Israel. “It is by relying on faith, determination and unity that the people can defeat their enemies,” said Khamenei, speaking nearly a week after the UN International Atomic Energy Agency’s board of governors passed a strongly worded resolution, drafted by the big three European powers, that “deplored” Iran’s lack of “full, timely and proactive” cooperation with UN inspectors.
“If the Europeans are in fact worried that we could have a nuclear weapon, we will reassure them: No, we do not want to have such weapons,” Khamenei said. “But if it bothers them that Iran masters nuclear technology and that this technology is home-grown, and if they want to oppose this, we say to them that the Iranian people will never accept the language of force,” the Supreme Leader added.