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Summary of Iran Stories in Today's BroadcastsBehnam NateghiSaturday, March 08, 2003
<b>Russia to Send 40-Ton Atomic Fuel Shipment to Iran</b>
* A spokesman for the Russian ministry of atomic energy said 40 tons of atomic fuel would soon be loaded for shipment to Iran. (Mani Kasravi, Moscow)
<b>Iran's Quiet Support Benefits the US</b>
* Rachal Bronson, director of Middle Eastern studies at the Council on Foreign Relations tells <b>Radio Farda</b> that Iran's neutral and quiet position on the possible US-led war against Iran has been "enormously helpful" to the US government at a time when many other countries in the region and elsewhere oppose the US position. (Mahtab Farid)
<b>Revolutionary Court Tries Writer on National Security Charges</b>
* Writer Emadedin Baqi, who was thrown in jail for three years after the publication of his investigation on the serial murders of dissidents by intelligence ministry officials, tells <b>Radio Farda</b> that two days before being freed on bail last month, a branch of the Tehran revolutionary court indicted him on charges of insulting the Supreme Leader and acting against national security. Baqi says the charges relate to articles he wrote before his three-year detention. (Mehdi Khalaji)
<b>Australia Advised Its Citizens to Leave Iran</b>
* The Australian foreign ministry advised Australians living in Iran that, if they cannot leave Iran, they should stay away from the borders of Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan. (Jamshid Adili, Sydney)
<b>Evin Transfers Student Activist Ali Afshari to a Solitary Cell</b>
* Majid Afshari, a brother of jailed student activist Ali Afshari, who has moved to an unknown location in the Evin prison, tells <b>Radio Farda</b> that jail officials have told Afshari's lawyer that he has been transferred to a solitary cell within the Evin prison.
<b>Intelligence Ministry Leaves Police Work</b>
* Intelligence minister Ali Yunesi said the intelligence ministry is no longer involved in police work and has purged itself of its business units. He added that intelligence work is by nature central and independent, and its work is not duplicated by any other organ. He added, however, that police and military organs have taken over the intelligence ministry's police work. (Mehdi Khalaji)
* Yunesi said the possible US military action to disarm Saddam Hussein does not threaten Iran. However, he added that, for the US forces, Iraq would prove a more difficult challenge than Afghanistan. (Ali Sajjadi)
<b>Rafsanjani Blames Khatami for Low Voter Turnout in Municipal Elections</b>
* During a speech in the official Friday prayer ceremony at Tehran University, former president Ali-Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani blamed President Mohammad Khatami for the low voter turnout in last Friday's village and town Islamic council elections. He rejected Khatami's argument that the low turnout was an outcome of the heavy criticism lodged by the conservative faction against his government. (Ali Sajjadi)
<b>Los Angeles Iranians Comment on the Possible War Against Iraq</b>
* In interviews with <b>Radio Farda</b>, Los Angeles-based Iranians and Iranian-Americans expressed their views about the possible US-led military action to disarm Iraq. Most say they cannot wait to see the fall of Saddam's government, but some express concern that the war might have too many civilian casualties. (Zoya Zakarian)
. خوان خوزه گاليانو، قاضي فدرال آرژانتين از اينترپول (پليس بين الملل) خواست چهار ايراني از جمله علي فلاحيان، وزير پيشين اطلاعات جمهوري اسلامي را هرچه زودتر بازداشت كنند. حكم اين قاضي، بجز فلاحيان، محسن رباني، وابسته فرهنگي سابق سفارت جمهوري اسلامي در آرژانتين، و براتعلي بالش آبادي، از كارمنادان سفارتخانه را در بر مي گيرد. وي همچنين حكم صادره بازداشت علي اكبر پرورش از مسئولان سابق جمهوري اسلامي را تاييد كرد.اين قاضي در حكم 400 صفحه اي خود عناصر افراطي جمهوري اسلامي را مسئول حمله به مركز يهوديان در بوينوس آيرس در سال 1994 دانست. جمهوري اسلامي بارها اين اتهام را تكذيب كرده است. سال گذشته روزنامه نيويورك تايمز گزارشي منتشر كرد مبني بر پرداخت 10 ميليون دلار حق السكوت از سوي مقامات جمهوري اسلامي به كارلوس منم، رييس جمهوري وقت آرژانتين. براي سرپوش گذاشتن به روز نقش جمهوري اسلامي در اين انفجار. اما منم اين اتهام را رد كرد.