جمشيد زند، مصاحبه با احمد سلامتيان (پاريس)
Summary of Today's BroadcastRFE/RL Persian ServiceMonday, September 9, 2002 - Assembly of Experts Meets - Young women shun marriage - Questionable accuracy of social statistics - Judiciary moves against political websites - Press law and the Internet - Fines against automobile polluters - High death tolls of traffic accidents - UNDP project to increase non-oil exports - RFE/RL Roundtable: Political Crimes Assembly of Experts' conservative role The Assembly of Experts, charged with the appointment of the Supreme Leader and supervising his conduct, began its closed-door sessions today in Qom. * Paris-based political commentator Ahmad Salamatian tells RFE/RL that speeches given at the Assembly show that Ayatollah Ali Meshkini, head of the Assembly, and his deputy, Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, turned the Assembly into a propaganda unit for the conservative faction of the regime. (Jamshid Zand) Women Increasingly Shun Marriage Official statistics released by presidential advisor on women affairs Zahra Shojai put the number of unmarried women at 1.7 million, greater than the number of unmarried men. * Tehran-based sociologist and women issues surveyor Shahla Ezazi tells RFE/RL that young women increasingly shun traditional arranged marriages and do not want to perform the traditionally assigned roles of obedient homemakers and mothers. Young women, she says, want equal participation in life decisions. (Mahmonir Rahimi) Uncertain Accuracy of Social Statistics * Tehran University economy professor Jamshid Pazhuyan tells RFE/RL that social statistics are in fact estimates made by various organs which tend to bend them for their own benefit in order to affect policy decisions and budget allocations. (Fereydoun Zarnegar) Judiciary Moves to Block Opposition Websites Attorney general Ayatollah Mohammad Namazi said today in an interview with young reporters that the press law applies to Internet sites and other kinds of expression. He warned that those who criticize the Supreme Leader and other public officials on the Internet could be prosecuted under the existing press law. * Tehran-based lawyer and freedom of speech activist Ahmad Bashiri tells RFE/RL that a provision added to the press law in 1999 applies only to Internet versions of physical newspapers. Virtual publications on the Internet continue to have no legal definition, he adds. * Tehran-based computer and Internet expert Mohammad-Amir Forughi says new limitations on political websites can be expected, but the government lacks advanced hardware to block these sites. New equipment ordered by the Iran telecom will limit users' access to at least 50 percent of news and information on the Internet. (Jamshid Zand) New Regulation Increases Fines Air Polluting Cars by 2000 percent Fines for cars without up-to-date inspection tags increased from 10,000 rials to 200,000 rials. * Tehran-based journalist Jamshid Pureskandar tells RFE/RL that the new fines are meant to curb Tehran air pollution, which has reached critical levels. He adds that the oil ministry will import new technology to reduce the phosphor content of diesel fuel used by trucks and buses. (Mahmonir Rahimi) Thirty Die in Two Weekend Road Accidents * Most experts blame traffic deaths on sub-standard roads and signage. Tehran-based journalist Atosa Ravash tells RFE/RL that regulations about the qualification and work hours of drivers of buses and trucks are not routinely enforced. (Mahmonir Rahimi) UN-Iran Joint Sustained Development of Non-Oil Exports Fail * An $800 million joint project with UNDP to increase non-oil exports has had disappointing results so far, according to reports given at a seminar in Tehran. Non-oil exports during the first five months of the current fiscal year were at $1.7 billion, or one-fifth of imports. (Fereydoun Khavand, Paris) RFE/RL Roundtable: Political Crime * Political commentator Ahmad Salamatian and human rights activist Abdolkarim Lahiji, both in Paris, and Tehran-based lawyer Mohammad Hossein Aghasi, participate in today's RFE/RL roundtable on political crimes. (Mehdi Khalaji) ARTS AND IDEAS Daily Internet Report: Attorney General Comments on Political Websites * Ayatollah Mohammad Namazi said Internet websites are covered by the provisions of the press law banning criticism of the Supreme Leader and public officials. Also, banned reformist columnist Masud Behnoud, now living in exile in Britain to avoid an arrest warrant issued in Tehran, returns to publishing through a weblog on the Internet accessible through www.behnoudonline.com (Behnam Nateghi, New York) Daily medical advice (Dr. Mansur Moslehi, Los Angeles) Daily Book Review * RFE/RL's Tehran-based book critic Kamran Fani reviews "Buddha Statues Were not Destroyed in Afghanistan" by Iranian filmmaker Mohsen Makhmalbaf, published by Nashr-e Now in Tehran. Daily Venice Film Festival Reports * Peter Mullan, director of "Magdalene Sisters," which won the top prize at Venice Film Festival, tells RFE/RL that his film depicts the appalling treatment of unmarried mothers by the Catholic Church in Ireland and other countries. He rejects the Church's criticism of his movie, and says he wanted to expose one of the great injustices committed by the Church. (Ahmad Ra'fat, Venice) Daily Science Report * By September 10th, every life science researcher in the US has to disclose to the Federal government whether they are working with any agents that could be used in bio weapons. (Fatemeh Aman, Washington) Song: Az-No (Anew) * RFE/RL's music critic plays Az-no (Anew), a song performed by the 1970 pop singer Ramesh. Shadi (Joy) * Los Angeles DJ Afshin Gorgin plays the latest Persian pop tunes. Bam, a radio travelogue * Canada-based reporter Azadeh Rahsepar takes listeners on a tour of the Bam citadel in central Iran. WORLD * John Chipman, author of the London Center for Strategic Studies on Iraq's unconventional weapons, tells RFE/RL that the report reveals that Iraq has the capability to produce nuclear weapons within a few months but lacks the missiles to deliver them. He says Iraq can deploy nuclear and chemical weapons using conventional methods, such as airplanes. (Shahran Tabari, London) * A summary of articles in major London newspapers on Iraq. (Fariba Mavedat, London) * French President Jacque Chirac proposes a UN resolution for military action against Iraq's regime in an interview with the New York Times. (Homayoun Majd, Washington) * Military action against the Iraqi regimes takes center state in Germany's parliamentary elections. (Shahram Mirian, Cologne) * The two Kurdish factional rivals sign a treaty to reopen the Kurdistan parliament. (Jamshid Chalangi, Cairo) * The Palestinian authority parliament meets to vote on Yasir Arafat's new cabinet. (Jamshid Chalangi, Cairo) * International committee to defend freedom of speech meets in Bangladesh. (Jean Khakzad, Paris) * Saudi Arabia sends an economic delegation to Iraq. (Jamshid Chalangi, Cairo) * US economy after September 11. (Homayoun Majd, Washington)
نشست مجلس خبرگان رهبري گشايش يافت. وظيفه اين مجلس انتخاب و نظارت بر عملكرد رهبر جمهوري اسلامي است و جلسات آن غيرعلني است. احمد سلامتيان، تحليلگر سياسي در پاريس، در مصاحبه با راديوآزادي مي گويد اجلاس خبرگان رهبري گوئي وظيفه و نقش خود را پركردن خلا تبليغاتي سخنگويان جناح راست مي داند. وي مي افزايد: موضوع و دستور اساسي اين اجلاس نظارت بر كارآئي رهبري و دقت در اين مسئله است كه رهبري شرايط خود را براي انجام وظايف خود از دست نداده باشد. وي مي افزايد مطالبي كه ار جلسات غيرعلني اين مجلس در خبر ها هست، به همه چيز ارتباط دارد غير از موضوع وظيفه اين مجلس و دستور كار آن است. وي مي گويد آيت الله علي مشكيني و حجت الاسلام علي اكبر هاشمي رفسنجاني، مجلس خبرگان را بدل به يك ارگان تبليغاتي در خدمت تم هاي جناح راست تبديل كرده اند كه نشان مي دهد در زمينه سياسي و تبليغاتي، احساس كمبود مي كنند.
Summary of Today's BroadcastRFE/RL Persian ServiceMonday, September 9, 2002 - Assembly of Experts Meets - Young women shun marriage - Questionable accuracy of social statistics - Judiciary moves against political websites - Press law and the Internet - Fines against automobile polluters - High death tolls of traffic accidents - UNDP project to increase non-oil exports - RFE/RL Roundtable: Political Crimes Assembly of Experts' conservative role The Assembly of Experts, charged with the appointment of the Supreme Leader and supervising his conduct, began its closed-door sessions today in Qom. * Paris-based political commentator Ahmad Salamatian tells RFE/RL that speeches given at the Assembly show that Ayatollah Ali Meshkini, head of the Assembly, and his deputy, Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, turned the Assembly into a propaganda unit for the conservative faction of the regime. (Jamshid Zand) Women Increasingly Shun Marriage Official statistics released by presidential advisor on women affairs Zahra Shojai put the number of unmarried women at 1.7 million, greater than the number of unmarried men. * Tehran-based sociologist and women issues surveyor Shahla Ezazi tells RFE/RL that young women increasingly shun traditional arranged marriages and do not want to perform the traditionally assigned roles of obedient homemakers and mothers. Young women, she says, want equal participation in life decisions. (Mahmonir Rahimi) Uncertain Accuracy of Social Statistics * Tehran University economy professor Jamshid Pazhuyan tells RFE/RL that social statistics are in fact estimates made by various organs which tend to bend them for their own benefit in order to affect policy decisions and budget allocations. (Fereydoun Zarnegar) Judiciary Moves to Block Opposition Websites Attorney general Ayatollah Mohammad Namazi said today in an interview with young reporters that the press law applies to Internet sites and other kinds of expression. He warned that those who criticize the Supreme Leader and other public officials on the Internet could be prosecuted under the existing press law. * Tehran-based lawyer and freedom of speech activist Ahmad Bashiri tells RFE/RL that a provision added to the press law in 1999 applies only to Internet versions of physical newspapers. Virtual publications on the Internet continue to have no legal definition, he adds. * Tehran-based computer and Internet expert Mohammad-Amir Forughi says new limitations on political websites can be expected, but the government lacks advanced hardware to block these sites. New equipment ordered by the Iran telecom will limit users' access to at least 50 percent of news and information on the Internet. (Jamshid Zand) New Regulation Increases Fines Air Polluting Cars by 2000 percent Fines for cars without up-to-date inspection tags increased from 10,000 rials to 200,000 rials. * Tehran-based journalist Jamshid Pureskandar tells RFE/RL that the new fines are meant to curb Tehran air pollution, which has reached critical levels. He adds that the oil ministry will import new technology to reduce the phosphor content of diesel fuel used by trucks and buses. (Mahmonir Rahimi) Thirty Die in Two Weekend Road Accidents * Most experts blame traffic deaths on sub-standard roads and signage. Tehran-based journalist Atosa Ravash tells RFE/RL that regulations about the qualification and work hours of drivers of buses and trucks are not routinely enforced. (Mahmonir Rahimi) UN-Iran Joint Sustained Development of Non-Oil Exports Fail * An $800 million joint project with UNDP to increase non-oil exports has had disappointing results so far, according to reports given at a seminar in Tehran. Non-oil exports during the first five months of the current fiscal year were at $1.7 billion, or one-fifth of imports. (Fereydoun Khavand, Paris) RFE/RL Roundtable: Political Crime * Political commentator Ahmad Salamatian and human rights activist Abdolkarim Lahiji, both in Paris, and Tehran-based lawyer Mohammad Hossein Aghasi, participate in today's RFE/RL roundtable on political crimes. (Mehdi Khalaji) ARTS AND IDEAS Daily Internet Report: Attorney General Comments on Political Websites * Ayatollah Mohammad Namazi said Internet websites are covered by the provisions of the press law banning criticism of the Supreme Leader and public officials. Also, banned reformist columnist Masud Behnoud, now living in exile in Britain to avoid an arrest warrant issued in Tehran, returns to publishing through a weblog on the Internet accessible through www.behnoudonline.com (Behnam Nateghi, New York) Daily medical advice (Dr. Mansur Moslehi, Los Angeles) Daily Book Review * RFE/RL's Tehran-based book critic Kamran Fani reviews "Buddha Statues Were not Destroyed in Afghanistan" by Iranian filmmaker Mohsen Makhmalbaf, published by Nashr-e Now in Tehran. Daily Venice Film Festival Reports * Peter Mullan, director of "Magdalene Sisters," which won the top prize at Venice Film Festival, tells RFE/RL that his film depicts the appalling treatment of unmarried mothers by the Catholic Church in Ireland and other countries. He rejects the Church's criticism of his movie, and says he wanted to expose one of the great injustices committed by the Church. (Ahmad Ra'fat, Venice) Daily Science Report * By September 10th, every life science researcher in the US has to disclose to the Federal government whether they are working with any agents that could be used in bio weapons. (Fatemeh Aman, Washington) Song: Az-No (Anew) * RFE/RL's music critic plays Az-no (Anew), a song performed by the 1970 pop singer Ramesh. Shadi (Joy) * Los Angeles DJ Afshin Gorgin plays the latest Persian pop tunes. Bam, a radio travelogue * Canada-based reporter Azadeh Rahsepar takes listeners on a tour of the Bam citadel in central Iran. WORLD * John Chipman, author of the London Center for Strategic Studies on Iraq's unconventional weapons, tells RFE/RL that the report reveals that Iraq has the capability to produce nuclear weapons within a few months but lacks the missiles to deliver them. He says Iraq can deploy nuclear and chemical weapons using conventional methods, such as airplanes. (Shahran Tabari, London) * A summary of articles in major London newspapers on Iraq. (Fariba Mavedat, London) * French President Jacque Chirac proposes a UN resolution for military action against Iraq's regime in an interview with the New York Times. (Homayoun Majd, Washington) * Military action against the Iraqi regimes takes center state in Germany's parliamentary elections. (Shahram Mirian, Cologne) * The two Kurdish factional rivals sign a treaty to reopen the Kurdistan parliament. (Jamshid Chalangi, Cairo) * The Palestinian authority parliament meets to vote on Yasir Arafat's new cabinet. (Jamshid Chalangi, Cairo) * International committee to defend freedom of speech meets in Bangladesh. (Jean Khakzad, Paris) * Saudi Arabia sends an economic delegation to Iraq. (Jamshid Chalangi, Cairo) * US economy after September 11. (Homayoun Majd, Washington)
نشست مجلس خبرگان رهبري گشايش يافت. وظيفه اين مجلس انتخاب و نظارت بر عملكرد رهبر جمهوري اسلامي است و جلسات آن غيرعلني است. احمد سلامتيان، تحليلگر سياسي در پاريس، در مصاحبه با راديوآزادي مي گويد اجلاس خبرگان رهبري گوئي وظيفه و نقش خود را پركردن خلا تبليغاتي سخنگويان جناح راست مي داند. وي مي افزايد: موضوع و دستور اساسي اين اجلاس نظارت بر كارآئي رهبري و دقت در اين مسئله است كه رهبري شرايط خود را براي انجام وظايف خود از دست نداده باشد. وي مي افزايد مطالبي كه ار جلسات غيرعلني اين مجلس در خبر ها هست، به همه چيز ارتباط دارد غير از موضوع وظيفه اين مجلس و دستور كار آن است. وي مي گويد آيت الله علي مشكيني و حجت الاسلام علي اكبر هاشمي رفسنجاني، مجلس خبرگان را بدل به يك ارگان تبليغاتي در خدمت تم هاي جناح راست تبديل كرده اند كه نشان مي دهد در زمينه سياسي و تبليغاتي، احساس كمبود مي كنند.